Saturday, May 30, 2009

I think I can cook..... my utter surprise I am not a bad started with the Euro trip. There it was the question of survival ( being a veggie), but today I have personally achieved a new landmark..It was a small party I threw for my old NSIT gang before I leave for job and also the wine from Bordeaux that I had kept for them was long due. So while looking for Vegetarian options with red wine on net I discovered its considered an "Oxymoron" in the gastronomical world!!! After searching hard I came across a few choices and Pasta Arabiatta was one of them. Well, so I thought why not cook it myself to add to the flavor of the party :) After receiving dreadful warnings of "don't dare attempt that" , " what are the back ups" I decided to go ahead.....Though I have to admit that it was quite an unnerving experience and I was quite tensed but thanks to saved my day...and to my pleasant surprise my pasta did really well and was quite a hit :) They loved it and whole wok with 1kg pasta was completely empty....thank you guys :) yey i can cook!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

I miss the discounts on my voting mark...

In this off season it came as a pleasant surprise and I realised that each vote matters in more than one ways :) It was indeed an innovative tactic and quite responsible at that one...But besides the discounts I am genuinely missing the whole excitement now.
After all it had been my saviour in last so many days, well almost a month when the bore dome and the "un bearable laziness of being" had decided to kill me, it was the election fever that saved my days. I was hooked to it all day, skipping through the channels but it was CNN- IBN only at the end for most of the time..No particular liking for Rajdeep and his gang except that my cable guy sucks. But yes the guy did work hard for all his aggressiveness. I can't recollect the kind of excitement I had for 16th may in a long time now.It was as if my CAT or Engg or Board exams results were due or something...And then I was happy and the happiness increased by the end of the day..Firstly for a clear verdict for a National Party and secondly coz of the party I voted for (I should have no qualms in confessing that this was my first exercise of the suffrage and hence may be the anticipation..)
In fact I was happy and amazed at the same time. Democracy indeed has great power and we are amongst the fortunate to be a part of the world's largest which probably we don't realise and tend to neglect in our routine. So the reason I was amazed at was that there existed a National Consciousness amongst the electorate to do away with the regional factionalism/horse trading/cheap bargains and vote decisively in favor of a National party to take care of issues that concern the whole nation. I had not done any prolific analysis unlike some of my friends and predicted some of the results on my own but the few people I knew and talked to had given me a sense that there was a conscious effort to see some one positive, with a clean image, efficient and capable at the center and hence the choice was same for all of them. In fact more the rhetoric and negativism got louder , more people were determined to go against it. It was simply heartening to see the mood being reflected in the results across the length and breadth of the nation. This is the power of democracy where every vote does matter...I would also confess here my allegiance to the First party and First family of Indian politics as in the present times in my livelihood I consider them the lesser of the two evils. There is no denying the fact the sheer charisma in the name and also the conduct lately of the matriarch and the scions( both the son and the daughter) is an un deniable factor in the wave of support. But there's some thing more than just the charisma, its the sheer sincerity in their outlook and a desire to change the system of which they are a part of and often blamed for is working in their favor.
I see it a great moment for the Nation to decisively usher in the era of its own for once with out a single excuse. We have the power, we have the mandate .. there should be no stopping now. And I am hoping people concerned do realise there's no room for complacency and a mammoth task ahead which if accomplished shall change the destiny of this nation for ever...Till then I hope the " SALE" sign returns soon :)

Friday, May 1, 2009

I have become so numb!!!

I dunno what has happened to me..may be this is me as well that I had never known....I always knew I was lazy but this lazy!! man never thot much has happened in last so many months...many old chapters have closed, new about to begin, have regained lost friends, parted ways with some. Life is poised for a new turn, times are the at their dramatic best..change of guard in US, world economy in doldrums, Pakistan- a failed state?, LTTE on fringes of extinction, and world's largest democracy smitten by election hullabaloo...well indeed quite a lot...
At personal level I have resorted to solitary confinement...nt just sayin this...a lot is goin in my mind and yet it feels so empty...It feels am raring to go at something..but why have I held this time as hostage??
As always made a huge list of "TO-DO' things..but you only do what you gotta my case it was just dance and some abstract readings on Net...Susan boyle, Loyalty programs by German sex workers, Roman history, Zoo Zoos, Obama completes 100 days, How a drag queen named Varun Gandhi swore on Gita, and all the election related diggings...

So I have become numb..nothing was compelling enough?? strange it is..thoughts arise and then they die....some linger on which I have just re collected..but in the end it was the lethargy that set me thinking, the penchant to break free from its grip, the realisation itself was the most compelling reason to get me back...

I just hope these are small phases that other mates also go through...and then they look for reasons to break free...for me it was the reason itself...So i guess I have a lot to catch up..
The completion of my Euro trip
Naukri Naukri naukri
MDI- End of a journey
Election Fiesta
The issue is there no issue in these elections!!!
How I learnt to be comfortable with my laziness and overcame my guilt...
so lets c how i manage to do so...